Saturday, March 12, 2011

everything's gonna' be alright

Yesterday I was asked the question, "when are you going to be good again?". Hmm, what a question. I guess the answer depends on the definition of 'good'. When am I going to be able to perform my normal tasks of homemaker without medication? Several weeks, maybe even months.
When Chris went back to work I needed to be able to stand up, walk, and function. That is why I went to see a doctor earlier this week. I am in fact on pain medicine, but it is nothing like the monster I was on and it is the only reason I am able to be up and about. It is also the only reason I am not back in pain management with legal drug dealers.
The withdrawal is now under control with blood pressure lowering medicine and the pain is mostly controlled with the patch on my arm.
Chris and I talked and prayed a lot about how much medicinal help we were willing to take. Our talk got serious the night before he went back to work. The goal is to eventually be free of all medicine. What are the steps to take to reach that goal without Chris having to quit his job to take care of the kids?
This is what we believe the Lord brought us to...
I am not medicine free yet.
I am a heck of a lot closer to being medicine free.
This is a process that looks different than what I would have planned.

So, am I good now? Yeah, I've been good all week, relatively speaking. A lot better than the first ten days when I was jumping out of my skin. I am still jumpy, and weak, and haven't taken on impossible tasks, such as tying my shoes. But I am good.
Have a wonderful day and thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. That's a LOT too handler, my sister. Well, I'm here if you ever need me. Lol, it's not "close" but close enough right?!

    Keep hangin' in there. Just keep giving thanks :)
