Tuesday, January 18, 2011

He is all

When I was a part of an institutional church and after I left, I felt the need to blog my thoughts on Christ all the time. Most of the revelations I shared were controversial and I knew would ruffle feathers, but I really enjoyed the conversation and knowledge I'd gained by others comments and insights. Once I became a part of a organic church, once I began to grow in Christ organically, I stopped writing my blogs as much. It's not that I don't have anything to write, if anything there is more to write about now. It's just that Christ has become so incredibly big in the last couple of months, I wouldn't even know where to start. It's embarrassing what little space the Lord was given, now that I know He is in everything.
Every single particle of every bit of life we see cries out for its Maker, just like we do. I didn't know that it was possible to know Him closely and go deep into Him the way that I am.
At the last church I attended a pastor stepped on stage and told the congregation, "Some people say we don't go deep enough. When you become sinless, then talk to me about going deeper". As if to go deeper into Christ, we ourselves have to become sinless. Unfortunately this was what I thought for most of my Christian life. I know folks who are not believers and won't become believers because they fear they won't be able to live the harshly judged life that most Christians live under. For years I thought I was backslidden because I continued to sin. I couldn't stop. I would try so hard to be perfect and if I had a bad week I must be backslidden.
Our Lord is so much larger than those issues. A rush of excitement goes through me as I think about Him being the Alpha and the Omega... and we are in Him!
A Sister in Christ said something beautiful several weeks ago that I want to share. When I became a Christian, I thought that the Lord gave my individual life the power to go on forever. What this Sister shared was that we have been given a portion of Christ, His life inside. And that is the Life that goes on forever... we join with Him in His eternal life.
Churches throughout the years have been expressing His life as it flows from the Head down. We are discovering Him as we become the priesthood that He had said we are. Saints receive the revelation that He gives to those who seek to live the sacrificial and uncomfortable life of dying to themselves. And we have only begun to scratch the surface.
We have no power apart from Him. We don't even have the power to choose Him without the Spirit's leading. His grandness and vastness goes far beyond politics and issues to write about. I think that is why I find it so hard these days to blog about anything other than how wonderful the Lord is. Hopefully He will give me topics to blog about because I did enjoy it and I don't want to stop, but right now He is all I can think about.
Thanks for reading.