Gratitude is thankfulness. Being thankful for every person, situation, and thing that we have.
Lately I am seeing a connection between gratitude and Christ. The flesh wants more, has desires of it's own, and strives to reach personal goals and agendas. Anyone who's known me for more than five minutes knows that I become disgruntled with anything less than perfection. It leaves me sad and frustrated. Because perfection is only possible when I behold Christ, looking at anything else will never satisfy me.
It's just been recently, as Christ increases in me, and in turn everything around me, that I have stopped complaining(don't hold me to it, I still have my flesh;)).
When I'm complaining about a person, about the way something happens, or about life in general, I am not in Christ. When I am complaining about something I am in the flesh. And I am not proud of it.
Talking about Jesus all the time does not mean that I am not acting in the flesh. I have talked about Him all the time and was the most miserable girl in the world.
I am not saying that to be in Christ, I must be smiling and happy at all times. I am just pointing out that Christ lived a very, very difficult life and never complained.
Gratitude is taking on a new meaning as I get to know my Lord. I am grateful not only for the chance to be with my kids everyday, to have a husband that loves me, and to be a part of an organic church. I am learning to be grateful for imperfect times as well. Recently I had the opportunity to get upset about something, but the Lord truly turned it around and gave me a thankful heart. Another got attention and the "glory" for an idea the Lord gave me. It took all I had to turn to Him in this, as small as it is. I wanted so bad to butt in and take credit. It was as if my flesh was itching and getting the attention or credit for it was the only relief. Christ was my relief. I know it sounds cliche', but He actually calmed me and led me to gratitude. I am in awe of Him because He was actually speaking through me when I shared the idea! If I would have gotten upset I would have missed out on the greater revelation that Christ is alive in me and speaking through me!
Last night I was able to go to the latter end of a church planning meeting. It was a beautiful expression of Christ as always and as I looked through the Lord's eyes I saw our differences as a good thing. I became extremely thankful and grateful for the Saints in the room. I was truly grateful for every idea and personality. Normally I would be critiquing all of it due to the perfectionism, but I don't know that I saw any imperfection. The meeting may have been moving too quickly for some, too slowly for others, the words spoken may not have been spiritual enough, or too spiritual, but I never saw any of it. Because the Lord never saw any of that. He saw a room of people gathered together to seek His mind.
The impression on my heart lately to to simply cherish the life, the gift, that I am living.
Today is spring cleaning day in my home. I have my husband home to help with the more difficult jobs and home repairs. My kids are going to be learning new chores today in order to help me more around the house. Today I am going to have the opportunity to complain and get frustrated, but hopefully I can remain in Christ and see the blessing of it all.
Thanks for reading my blog. I don't always get to share these amazing revelations with people other than Chris so it's nice to have the space here to do so.
"To the hungry soul, every bitter thing is sweet."~Proverbs 27:7
ReplyDeleteWhat you've written is so true. This scripture was referenced in a book I've been reading, and I think it goes right along with what you're saying. I know that, in the past, when I've been extremely hungry (especially after fasting or something of the like), that even things that I would not normally have liked have tasted good to me. If I were starving and had been without food for many weeks, if somebody hands me a peach (I hate peaches) or some liver pudding, I'm not going to refuse it. I'm going to devour it.
When we're hungry for Christ, we thank him even in the most difficult of circumstances because we see those events as having come from his hand. We see them as an opportunity to know him more, to suffer as his bondservants. To quote this book that I mentioned, "It is impossible to love God without loving the cross. If you savor the cross, you will find even the most bitter things to be sweet."
So yes...thankful, always rejoicing! Great word, sister!
Thanks for that verse Nick. It is fitting for sure! I have been thinking a lot lately about how in our earthly marriages we reach these new levels of comfortability and that's kinda' how I feel with you all (the Saints). Flaws and all, I could not love the church more!
ReplyDeleteI like the end quote about loving the cross if you love God. I had never thought about it in those words, but it is very true. Thanks a lot for commenting. I like comments. :)