Tuesday, December 14, 2010

are we not praying hard enough?

The last several months of my life have been filled with healing. That seems to happen when I draw near to the Lord particularly. Same with my husband. After 40 days of a Daniel fast he no longer needed major brain surgery(we found out he was healed as we went in for his pre-op appointment). The Lord blows me away constantly. It's not that I don't believe He can heal, I just wonder sometimes why He waits so long. Sometimes He does it quickly and sometimes it takes a while. Paul of Tarsus lived his whole life with a thorn in his side and I doubt it was due to a lack of faith.
As most of you who read my blog know, I recently went through a very long, excruciating process to wean off my medicine(highly addictive pain med). The Lord wants me healed and I had been prayed over, I claimed healing, I believed with all my heart that my pain would be gone(that was the only way I got through it), I envisioned healing, I tried everything. Unfortunately, I still could not move because of the pain after all that suffering. Did the Lord not want me healed? Of course not. Then why if I did everything that I could to do the 'footwork' was I not healed? I don't know. But, He is still Lord and His timing IS perfect.
I know several godly, faith filled people who are not healed yet. I also know of godly people who have died. Were they not trying hard enough to get well? The fact is, we live in a fallen world that includes pain and suffering and death and healings all the time.
For a while I thought that I was not healed of my endo/adeno/bladder pain because I didn't believe hard enough. As if the Lord can only do so much and then it's up to me to believe. That is what the world and religion tell us and it made me a failure by their standards.
If the Lord heals us, wonderful! He has done many big miracles and saved my hubby's life with some of them. If He doesn't, despite all our best efforts, He still loves us and still wants healing for us. Sometimes really bad things happen and we can't pray them away(I've tried). Sometimes I needed to turn to Him in the face of adversity instead of trying to avoid it.
If we have done all we can to get and remain healthy, and we are still sick, God is still God and we thank Him for everything.
Thanks for Reading!