Monday, July 26, 2010

no longer living the individual christian life...

Is there such a thing as "God's will" for my life?
I used to think so. The question that I have been asking lately is, what is the purpose for us being here? As I learn the answer to that question I also learn that I will never have a corner on the truth. None of us will in this life and anyone who claims to is dangerous.
What I do know is that my purpose for being here has more to do with God than it does with fulfilling human need. As much as it feels like my purpose is my kids, my husband, opening up a home for women in need, sharing the Gospel, etc., my real purpose is to express life. Life given to me by my Creator. I am here because He wants me here.
The Bible speaks over and over again about living as a Body and being built together with Christ as the "Foundation" or the "Cornerstone". He never speaks about sending us on individual crusades to save the world. Every purpose designed for humans was designed for the Church as a whole.
I have spent most of my Christian life searching for God's will for my life, but His will is that I would join the church in it's purpose. He is coming back for His Bride, not for a bunch of people here and there, but for "a Bride". One Bride.
What about different denominations? How can we be one Bride when we are divided into this pastor's church and that pastor's church? I believe that denominations slice up the Body. Christ's words were not meant to be debated over and torn apart. His teachings were not meant to divide us. I believe that His words were meant for us to share and to give us life to express when we do come together as the Body.
I don't know where this 'individual' or 'personal' Savior trend started. Certainly not in the Bible. God doesn't call us to live individually or personally. He called us to live lives together. To know eachother's kids and to lift eachother up when a member needs lifting up. What I have seen and have had happen to me in the religious institutions are sickening... members being tossed out for 'saying the wrong things'. Church planters staying well beyond the 'church planting' stage and taking the wrongful place at the head of Christ's Church. Giving credit to people that belongs to Christ Himself. I will never fall into that trap again. In our search for God's will for our lives, we forgot that this isn't about us. This life isn't about how to live more comfortably, or how to get more wealth, or how to build bigger church buildings. Paul was so patient and loving and kind in reminding the Church over and over again that He is all we need. Everything is rubbish next to having Christ live in and through us.
To see Her, the Church, as the fiance' of our Jesus is stunning. She moves with Him and needs Him and doesn't want to live without Him. It no longer becomes about us and our needs, but about our King, Jesus Christ.
I am so grateful that the Lord has forgiven me for taking my eyes off of Him. I am thankful for the grace He's given me in bringing me back to walking with Him in righteousness and faith.
Thank you for reading my very first blog on here. I look forward to writing many more that reveal the words on my heart.
In Him,